Mother’s Day

With today being Mother’s Day, I though it would be interesting to see if it is celebrated outside of the US. It turns out that it is widely celebrated around the world. Here in America we normally get together and have some sort of picnic, brunch, make our mother’s breakfast in bead, and so on. Children and Father’s get together to make the day special for mothers all around.

Personally, I made my mom a card with a promise to take her out to eat whenever she wants. My dad brought donuts home and we went to the park to meet the rest of the family. We all played horse shoes and botchy ball and had fun spending time with one another.


This got me wondering about how other countries celebrate it, so I thought I would look into the Philippines. “Mother’s day is extraordinarily revered and therefore it is celebrated throughout the country with utmost zeal”. Mother’s Day is a big deal in the Philippines. From my personal experiences with one of my best friend’s (who is from the Philippines) family, they value family above almost everything if not everything. They have a huge celebration in the Philippines where they celebrate their mother’s and grandmother’s.

They start the day by having mass. They then give their mother’s a day of relaxation and pampering in order to celebrate them as the ““ilaw ng tahanan“, which means the light of the house”

It is very interesting to me that other countries celebrate Mother’s Day on the same day that we do. It is an international holiday, we all think that it is important to celebrate the women that gave us life and raised us.

Mother’s Day is a day dedicated to celebrating women. This shows how important women are to us. There is also Father’s Day in a few month’s, but in my experience, there is always more emphasis around Mother’s Day. Women are incredibly influential in our lives, making us want to celebrate and pamper them.


I personally believe that we underappreciate our moms. We give them this one day where we pamper them, but they gave us life, changed our diapers, and raised us to be the people we are. I know that I have been greatly influenced by my mother, so even if they deserve so much more, I am glad that mothers are celebrated around the world.

2 thoughts on “Mother’s Day

  1. This was a really interesting blog post! I loved the way you began it with a personal anecdote and how you talked about some of the ways that people from different places celebrate Mother’s Day. I hadn’t know that it was an international holiday, and I enjoyed reading about it. I too agree that moms and the work that they do for their kids could be more appreciated! One thing that I think would be interesting to look into would be the ways in which Mother’s Day was celebrated at different points throughout history. We learned earlier this quarter in Prof. Block’s lectures about the ways in which women and mothers in colonial America did very hard labor and oftentimes were appreciated in some ways less than they are today. In that sense, the rising popularity of Mother’s Day could be seen as an increase in the respect people have for “women’s work” (even if it is only one day per year!) and a willingness to pay tribute to mothers. Or Mother’s Day could simply be seen as another Hallmark holiday marked by increasing sales in cards and flowers. Either way, I think that Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are both great chances to show your appreciation for your parents. I am also interested in the point you brought up about Father’s Day – I hadn’t considered it before, but I think you are right that there is typically more fuss shown around Mother’s Day. I wonder why?


  2. I love this post, a lot. Motherhood is often revered in our society without respect for the mothers themselves. One comedian, Abi Wong, said something along the lines of “It takes very little for a man to be considered a great dad, and very little for a woman to be considered a bad mom.” Women, as typical, are held to impossible standards of how to behave as mothers, but a man’s simple presence makes him celebrated. This is even reflected in its history in the United States. Catholic traditions celebrate fathers under St. Joseph, but the holiday was only created as a complement to the preexisting Mother’s Day.


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